Black Desert Mobile Cp Farming. Black Desert Mobile Farming Spot & CP Requirement Hostlist Greather Safe ZoneCP 1500 1700Bree Tree RuinsCP 1600 1800ForsaKen LandCP 1700 1900Quint Hill Video Duration 19 minViews 384KAuthor IceXgame.

When you play Black Desert Mobile on BlueStacks you don’t have to enter farm mode at all You can just go to an area that’s a bit under your CP switch on Nightmare Mode and check the surroundings for intruders from time to time If you follow all of the tips we’ve mentioned so far you’ll be swimming in silver in no time.
Black Desert Mobile Farming Spot & CP Requirement YouTube
Black Desert Mobile Farming Spot & CP Requirement Support Channel PayPal https//wwwpaypalme/icexgameBlack Desert Mobile Guide https//wwwyoutubecom/p Video Duration 10 minViews 695KAuthor IceXgame.
Black Desert Mobile Farming/Grinding Guide mmosumo
The path to gaining strength is hard and a lengthy one but every little bit of additional CP pays off so remember to always stay vigilant and push through Who knows you might even become one of the top players in your server or maybe even the whole game! We hope this advanced guide will help you in the right direction in Black Desert Mobile!.
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Black Desert Mobile Farming Spot & CP Requirement YouTube
Black Desert Mobile: A Guide to Resources and Farming
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IntroductionBasicsLocationMob LevelLoot AvailableHow to FarmSummaryAre you struggling to level up and earn loot for the best items? If you need the best tips for farming and grinding in Black Desert Mobile this is the guide for you This guide looks and where you want to grind or farm the basics of how to do it and the best places to make the most of your time Don’t waste hours trying to grind with only a few levels to show for it! Before you start you need to understand your combat power with the mobs you will be farming This is crucial for optimizing your time and making sure you get the best value out of your grinding time Mobs in Black Desert Mobile are classified into five levels From weakest to strongest these are Gray Green White Orange and Red Gray mobs are seven levels or more below you Green mobs are 4 to 6 levels below you White mobs are up to 3 levels below or above you Orange mobs are 4 to 6 levels above you and Red mobs are seven or more levels above you This is important to know Gray mobs give you no experience for killing them Green and White mobs give you 100% experience and drops Finally Orange and Red mobs give you 200% experience and drops You want to focus on Orange and Red mobs for the most effective grinding as you get the most per kill This is a critical point in the best grinding and farming! Remember your combat level will affect where you farm as the color of th Now for the more specific part It is important to check your map for the best areas to farm in regarding the best loot you can find Combined with the level of mobs this is probably the most crucial consideration Scroll over each area on the World Map to see the level of mobs available and the loot that can be dropped You want to look for Orange mobs as they can be killed more easily than Red mobs As they can drop similar loot and give similar experience it is best to kill Orange mobs as this can be done more quickly than killing Red mobs This means you will get more loot drops and earn experience faster at the same time Again focus on killing Orange mobs even if they are 300400 CP lower than you After the mob’s level loot you can collect is the next most important consideration Ideally you want to farm in an area with a high ratio of Red and Orange item drops – you can see this on the right of the screen when you click on an area This means you can farm these highlevel items You do not want to farm in an area that has no good drops as you have no chance of getting useful items This means you might get some experience but you will not get the items It is more efficient to farm in an area where there are the correct level mobs and good loot to maximize the efficiency of your farming and get the best of both worlds Black Spirit Mode Okay down to the actual process of farming One method to make this as painless as possible you should put your character into Black Spirit mode This will automatically kill mobs for you However don’t jump in and start yet – keep reading! To make the most of this make sure you go to the area you want to farm in (or kill mobs as part of a quest) and then go into Black Spirit mode If you activate it in a town it will give you an area the game recommends This could be fine but it might AFK Farming The second strategy is called AFK farming AFK farming is known to be three times more effective than Black Spirit mode farming so if you possibly can do as much farming as you can using AFK farming This will save you a lot of time and is the most efficient way to get it done This is when your character is farming mobs with your phone or screen is in AFK mode while not using Black Spirit mode If you do use this strategy you should make sure your pets are adequately fed and your bags ar There you go all you need to know for the best grinding and farming sessions of your life Make sure to find the right level mobs (Orange and Red) the best loot that can be dropped (again Orange and Red) and choose the most efficient farming strategy for you The exact location depends on your level so just keep searching and you’ll be a grinding pro in no time.