Durian Sultan. Durian Musang King Musang King / Raja Kunyit / Mau Shan Wang / Cat Mountain KingDurian D24 D24 / Sultan Durian D24 30 November 1937 Empangan Bukit Merah PerakDurian Tekka Tekka / Buluh Bawah / Musang Queen D160 30 Jun 1987 Lim Hai ChuaDurian Red Prawn Udang Merah / Red Prawn / Hong Xia / Ang Hay D175 4 Jun 1990 BalikDurian Black Thorn Duri Hitam / Black Thorn / Ochee / Hei Tze D200 15 Ogos 2012 NibongDurian IOI IOI / Mas Hjh Hasmah / Mas Muar D168 24 Mei 1989 HjhHasmah HjHashimDurian XO N/A Pahang Johor Bitter and comes with a hint of alcohol taste Often thoughtGolden Phoenix Durian Golden Phoenix / Jin Feng / Kim Hong D198 13 Mac 2013 Tan SueDurian Kampung Durian Kampung / 888 / Asli N/A Gugusan Kepulauan Melayu Varies from.

The legend behind the Sultan nickname is that it was the only durian worthy of serving to royalty in Malaysia Thus the pet name was more organically generated Another folklore which is more downtoearth is that it was the king of durians before the arrival of mao shan wang And the term Sultan was used as a reference to royalty.
Musang King Indonesia Rajanya Durian Durian Sultan
D24 Durian also known as Sultan Durian is typically a very pale yellow/white color The texture is super thick dense and creamy when thawed The flavor can be described as sophisticated with hints of white chocolate Each box contains 1 whole frozen D24 durian grown in Malaysia.
Durian Sultan – Durian Sultan
Durian Sultan Batam Centre 27 likes Product/Service.
Sultan Durian Information, Recipes and Facts
Durian Sultan is known for carrying the best Musang Kings in our packagings The thick goldenyellow flesh that tastes sweet with just a hint of bitterness are to die for We promise only the best quality durian meat for our customers MUSANG KING DURIANS Rp 388000 Order Now Add to cart Durian Sultans Partnership.
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