P Jentschura. The German PJentschura product line came to Finland in the 1990s The treatment line brings beauty vitality and zest for life to its users’ busy lives The products aim to restore the body’s acidbase balance to the natural state it’s in at birth.

Dr Jentschura is official supplier and consultant for the Austrian Olympic Ski Team Address Stephan Wilmes YouInFocusProducts Corp 853 Drysdale Run NW Edmonton AB T6M 2Y3 Canada 18667229812 toll free info@youinfocusproductscom Follow P Jentschura Service Free Product Brochures Store Locator Contact Dealer Newsletter Disclaimer Visit.
Regenerujte: přírodní produkty pro vaši acidobazickou
Značka P Jentschura již 25 let vyrábí a nabízí kvalitní zásadité produkty pro péči o tělo zásadotvorné potraviny a regenerační kyslíkové produkty Příroda se svou dokonalostí slouží jako model naší filozofie.
P. Jentschura 7×7 AlkaHerb Detox Tea – AvivaHealth.com
P Jentschura at Bestcare Unfortunately due to modern technology and alleged progress we have drastically distanced ourselves from nature within just a few decades Our initially alkalinegenerating eating habits and lifestyles have reversed to become acidinflated Excessive amounts of acids and toxins are accumulated because nowadays we consume for example too much.
P. Jentschura (EN)
Dr P Jentschura is a German biochemist and natural doctor with 30 years of clinical work using the ‘alkaline’ approach to achieve health and healing The products bearing his name are distributed in Canada by YouInFocusProducts an Edmontonbased import and distribution company founded by Stephen Wilmes a former professional athlete and founder of the.
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P Jentschura Natural products for your acidbase balance For 25 years P Jentschura brand has stood for highquality basic body care products excess base foods and regenerative oxygen applications Nature in all its perfection serves as a role model for philosophy MorgenStund’ is the full breakfast experience for the whole family.