Print Dos Program To Usb Printer. 1 Create a share to the printer 2 At a command prompt type NET USE LPT1 \\mycomputer\myprintershare (or course my computer is the network name of your computer and my printer share is the name of the share you gave the printer in step 1) Another community answer from the Windows Vista newsgroups.
Enable Dos Printing Through Usb Printers Tally Remote Support Tal from SlideShare
DOSprint to USB and all the newest Getting an old DOSprogram to work with a USBprinter How to print to a network printer from an MSDOSbased program in Windows XP But if your DOSprogram prints directly to the port this Dos To UsbPrinting Hp PrinterPrint From Usb I have an epson 740 USBprinter I need to print from a Dosprogram.
DOS2USB : DOS Print ( LPT1 or PRN ) to any USB/Windows, printer
To redirect what the DOS program is trying to send to the old LPT1 printer port to a printer plugged into a USB port proceed as followsGo to Settings Printers — or Printers and Faxes on XP RightClick the one you want to use and then Click Sharing Tick the box to 'Share this printer' and give it a name I called mine Dell.
Print Dos Program Usb Printer
Printing to USB or any windows printer from a DOS program Epson matrix printer emulator under windows With DOSPrinter you can print to a GUI printer from your DOS application Download DOSPrinter(170KB zip file) What is DOSPrinter DOSPrinter is an universal printer driver for DOS applications running under Windows.
Enable Dos Printing Through Usb Printers Tally Remote Support Tal
printer from a or any windows DOS program Printing to USB
Printing from DOS to USB Printers Joe's Corner
how to print to USB printer in dos Microsoft Community
In another words DOS2USB can print to any printer where WINDOWS can print This utility helps to convert your USB Printer to DOS Printer by giving gateway to the USB printer from DOS DOS2USB powered the DOS application to print on USB Printer with native language support also For that the DOS Code Page of the selected languae need to be installed and must be selected from DOS2USB.