Sumber Alam Cipanas Garut. The AccommodationThe FacilitiesOther ThingsFinal ThoughtsWhile there are plenty of options of places to stay in Cipanas area Kampung Sumber Alam is one of the best options Cipanas is on the outskirts of Garut but is one of the most popular areas to stay if you are planning to explore Garut Speaking of Cipanas in Sundanese CiPanas means hot water One of the special things about Cipanas is that all the homes come with natural hot wate.
Hotel Sumber Alam Garut Garut Trip Agent from Garut Trip Agent
4 Pemandian Air Panas Di Garut Yang Bikin Betah Pemandian air panas di Garut merupakan salah satu tujuan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke kota ini Kabupaten Garut memang memiliki beberapa tempat pemandian air panas alami yang sudah cukup dikenal Ngga heran juga sih kota ini punya beberapa gunung berapi yang masih aktif sehingga banyak terdapat sumber.
Hotel Kampung Sumber AlamInfo Harga Dan Fasilitas Lengkap
ulin hardilin reviw hotel sumber alam garut #hardolin #pangulinan #garut.
5 Pemandian Air Panas di Garut [Harga TIket Murah Merakyat]
KAMPUNG SUMBER ALAM RESORT Jl Raya Cipanas No 122 Garut Jawa Barat Indonesia 44151 Telp 0262 – 238000 WA 0815 8480 7838.
The best resort in Cipanas Garut! Review of Kampung
Sumber Alam is designed as some kind of an artificial village We had the junior suites airy large bamboo houses on stilts above the water With the suite comes also an open air hot water tub that is filled with the thermal water tapped in this area The rooms are well maintained clean and comes with a nice veranda above the artificial lake.
Hotel Sumber Alam Garut Garut Trip Agent
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